Palit GeForce GTX 560 Sonic Platinum - FarCry2

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Far Cry 2 is the second episode of the first person shooter video game Far Cry. The game was developed by Ubisoft, which announced in March 30, 2006 that it has acquired all intellectual property rights for the brand from the creators of Far Cry , Crytek.Ubisoft, according to an official statement, will continue to develop new video games in the series thanks to the permanent license to use the game engine, Crytek CryEngine . The player will play former U.S. Army Special Forces member Jack Carver. Far Cry is gone down in history mainly due to its graphic engine, developed by Crytek CryENGINE . At the time of its release, in fact, the graphics of Far Cry was the best had ever seen, capable of reproducing the vegetation and, especially, the water, with the limit of photorealistic quality. The islands on which each level was set was huge, and the player enjoyed almost complete freedom, as he preferred to explore . Even the enemies were, at that time, the most intelligent ever seen in a shooter: for the first time the computer opponents were not leaving the position like crazy suicide, and for the first time we saw enemies who tried to bypass the player and take it from behind, and often they could.




In Far Cry 2 the Sonic Platinum manages to overcome in all situations the GeForce GTX 560 Ti, even if the margin is not high.